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Out Of Office - Managing Your Holiday Workload

Summer is now in full swing and soon most of us will be getting ready to take that well deserved break.

But how do you deal with the work load beforehand?

A holiday is always something to look forward to. It should be a relaxing reprieve from your chaotic home and work life. However, if you don’t adequately prepare for it taking necessary steps, you could return feeling even more stressed than you did when you left.

We all know the feeling it’s happened to us countless times before, so much to do and working right up to boarding the flight and then what? You finally get your toes into that soft golden sand and you are so stressed out that you are not completely present on that dream holiday.

So here are a few helpful pointers to preparing for that holiday...

Be Strategic With Your Schedule

Set yourself a plan early; make sure you address what needs to be done on the run up to your holiday

Create A Personalised Auto Reply

You don’t want to return from holiday to several angry messages from the same client who has tried to get hold of you, worse still they manage to get hold of you at the beach. Let people know you will get back to them on your return

Invest In Planning

Take time to list the key jobs that need to be actioned before the holiday, you’ll remember from the past the overwhelming workload. Be ahead of the game

Focus On 3 Key Jobs Per Day

Rather than failing to get anything done and stressing at home of what is still to be done or worst still working longer days. Set yourself 3 priority jobs each day and be realistic

Learn To Say No

So easy to take on more work, promise unrealistic timescales or worst still you’ve said it’s ok for someone to call you on your week off. If you cannot delegate to someone in your absence then manage everyone else’s expectations and let them know you will not be contactable

Decide On Your Communication Whilst Your Away

Are you making it clear from the start that you will be away and not contactable or will you still respond to emails round the pool? Set out your stall and make sure you take a break. If you work with colleagues who are able to take on the responsibility of certain clients in your absence then do so, make sure that “work phone” gets a holiday too

It's important that everyone takes an annual break from their hectic everyday routine and with the right planning you will return to your desk feeling revitalised and ready to take on the world.

All that's left to say is.... HAVE A GREAT TIME!

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