Be Your Creative Best!

We’ve all been there, alarm goes off and not only do we procrastinate about the day ahead but we give ourselves repetitive strain injury for the over using the snooze button. So what can we do to wake up refreshed and raring to go? Well if we were guaranteed to wake up to sunshine and a sea view it would help but most of us can only enjoy this luxury for a few weeks of the year and need to make our own inspiration. Follow these few pointers to help get you springing from the bed and fulfilling your day
1. Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Firstly, none of us can be jumping with motivation after a terrible nights sleep. Starting the day right will all depend on a full nights rest and really learning to switch off. The best way to achieve this is going to bed at a reasonable hour. We all know that in our 20’s we could survive on a catnap to get through the day but nowadays we are craving a childhood nap. Specialists believe to get the best nights rest is to fully switch off, avoid social media and TV and get a minimum of 7.5hrs sleep. So set yourself a goal and an hour before bed avoid using your phone and really relax with a good book, trip to the gym or a soak in the bath
2. Set Your Alarm To Something That Makes You Smile (don’t have an alarm that instantly annoys you!)
Start your day with an upbeat alarm or your favourite track or podcast and not a blaring sound that makes you want to hurl the alarm out of the window. By waking to something that makes you smile or laugh is certainly going to lift your mood even if you are a little on the tired side
3. Don't Hit Snooze (and don't look at your smartphone or tablet while between the sheets!)
Don’t start the day hitting the snooze button, you are setting yourself up by subconsciously telling yourself you don’t want today nor do you want to get out of bed. This negative thought makes getting up and getting dressed near to impossible and your day is sure to drag. On top of that, when you fall back to sleep a second time you will be woken up in a deeper part of your sleep cycle which means your even more tired than before and you will certainly struggle even after 3 coffees!
4. Ask Yourself Some Positive Questions
Before you get out of bed, ask yourself some positive questions, such as, “what am I happy about in life right now?” or it could be “what am I excited about today?”
This may sound ridiculously cheesy, but if you are looking forward to a forthcoming project at work, trying a new place to eat even or feeling happy about the new job you are due to start, this positive reinforcement helps you take on the day. You are focused on something that makes you feel appreciative and makes you realize that there is some good to look forward to.
Alternatively, plan your day - what would you like to achieve?
5. Do Something To Get Yourself Motivated
May sound like hard-work but taking on a small task helps to set the pace if you are really feeling the pull of your bed and struggling to put even one foot out from under the duvet. Might be going for a pre work run, or simply making the beds or paying a few bills. When you have finished just one small task you feel more alert and ready to take on the next thing
6. Treat Yourself To Sweet, Sweet Rewards
Apparently research shows that rewards are responsible for ¾ of why we do things. So tell yourself once you get up and have a shower and pick out your clothes for the day you can sit down with a coffee and and read a book or your favourite magazine. So if you need another reason to be more driven, choose something you consider a reward and use it to motivate yourself through the morning. For most of us it’s a visit to our favourite place for lunch or, or for those that love a trip to the Gym you might fancy tagging on a session in the sauna too.
7. Peer Pressure
If your not a morning person who can function without a buddy its time to consider setting that gym date, run buddy or if food is your motivation, think about making time for a fun family breakfast and rustle up your perfect plates. And if none of that appeals you might (like me) need a virtual kick up the bottom with some whatsapp banter from a close friend who is happy to tell me what I can do with my morning. Nothing like some verbal abuse and belly laughs to get the morning going!
8. Fuel Your Day
Most of us are motivated if not obsessed with food and for breakfast it’s our favourite meal. So tease yourself out of bed with the promise of more than just a piece of toast or cornflakes. We are what we eat - think pancakes, healthy smoothies, fruit salads with Greek yoghurt or a healthy (i.e. grilled!) full English. Whatever it is that takes your fancy give yourself the right fuel for the day
9. Set Up A Vision Board For That Daily Reminder
Whether it's a list of things you want in life or like me you want a full on mood board with that visual inspiration, set yourself a goal of what you want in life, it’s your life and you only get one chance so make it fun and about you, even your next holiday destination - it doesn’t have to be serious! Pinterest is a great tool for this.
Research has proven that our brains need constant reminders of what we want from our lives so give it a kick, metaphorically speaking
10. Set Attainable Goals
When we get overwhelmed it is often because the goal set, such as, “get new job” needs planning and things this big are major in terms of preparation. To ensure goals are attainable, start small and work up to the big things in life, even if you want a year out to travel the world give yourself a break and you wont fall at the first hurdle.
Small, attainable goals will set you off in the right direction and when you see these being crossed off the list that morning motivation you struggled with seems to be bubbling over and all of a sudden those big tasks such as find new job become less daunting!
11. Dress In Something That Makes You Feel Great
We all have those perfect outfits that we save for best or the ideal night out but often those events don’t happen enough and we go around recycling the same looks day in, day out. Dress to make a difference - wearing something that makes you feel good has an instant effect on your mood
If you feel on top of the world you project confidence and there’s nothing better when someone compliments you on wearing something different, even a colour when you are known for wearing head to toe black you instantly have a lift!
Planning your wardrobe for the next day or a big meeting later that week it gives you control and valuable time and it can be that simple to helping your morning routine run more smoothly.
We hope we've given you some ideas - a few tweaks over the coming weeks and you’ll soon see an improved version of yourself. More energy, less tired and most importantly a happier you!!
Kelly is Create & Develop Resourcing's Candidate Manager. Kelly has an impressive background - an accomplished Area / Training Manager within Fashion and Beauty retail, Kelly also has previous success in Fashion Recruitment. Kelly brings extensive People Management, HR and Resourcing knowledge to the team in her role as Create & Develop's main point of contact for our candidates.