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Are You Experienced..? The Benefits Of Interning

2017 is racing at the speed of sound, Spring is here (kind of!) and if you're in your final year of university you'll be hugely busy getting your portfolio, dissertation and collection ready to be assessed and putting everything you've learned into practice.

In less than three months you'll be entering the big wide (and highly exciting) world of fashion, putting yourself out there in order to gain that essential first rung on the ladder. Scary, right?!

It's a competitive world and in order to succeed it's important that you stand out from the crowd, Time to take a close look at what experience you have in line with your chosen vocation. Real, live work experience is a crucial element in standing out head and shoulders above the rest.

Here are some of the benefits of internships;-

* Carefully chosen internships can give you VALUABLE insight into the many different roles available to you - and assist you in determining which roles you enjoy and excel at the most.

* Internships can EXPAND your network. You will gain mentor(s) and possibly fashion friends for life ( I am still in touch with people from the co I interned with almost two decades ago!) who will share with you their fountain of knowledge and experience. You will connect with industry professionals who, ordinarily, you wouldn't have crossed paths with.

* IMPRESS on your internships and you could find that you have a job offer waiting for you at the end of your degree. So grab that opportunity to shine and embrace it - many interns are snapped up by co's they were placed with once they graduate.

* You'll ENHANCE your learning and possibly even gain additional credits for your degree if the internship is incorporated into your degree. There's no better way to learn than by gaining that experience first hand.

* You may DISCOVER new paths to follow - there are so many amazing opportunities available to you that you may not be aware of!

* MORE is MORE... The more experience you gain, the better!

Best of luck!

Kerry x

Create & Develop Resourcing have over 20 years combined success when it comes to working with fashion brands, retailers and suppliers to recruit candidates from entry to director level in the UK and Offshore.

You can contact us by emailing or by calling us on 01457 874 900.

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